Best quotes by Kat Timpf on People

Checkout quotes by Kat Timpf on People

  • The reality is, punishing people by using a sentencing enhancement that was clearly intended to punish people who had been doing something far worse is, by definition, a miscarriage of justice.
    - Kat Timpf
  • All too often, I will see people on the left slam Trump for the way he treats or talks about other people. Then those same individuals - sometimes even in the same breath - will go on to say even worse things about the people who voted for him.
    - Kat Timpf
  • See, as a libertarian, I am actually far more liberal on the issue of immigration than many people might expect.
    - Kat Timpf
  • People often give Biden a pass for inaccurate and misleading statements - writing them off as nothing more than Crazy Uncle Joe being Crazy Uncle Joe.
    - Kat Timpf
  • I think there are no good people at a white supremacist rally, and apparently that's just a real controversial take.
    - Kat Timpf
  • There's people on the left who refuse to consider that anybody but the government can solve any of their problems.
    - Kat Timpf
  • Hillary Clinton had the backing of the entire DNC during her 2016 run, and yet, after she lost, all she could do was whine incessantly about how many people had wronged her throughout the process and made it so unfair.
    - Kat Timpf
  • Many people have made sacrifices to continue their education, or to allow their children to continue theirs. Others have made sacrifices by taking a path that didn't include continuing, because they could not afford to do so. None of these are things that could ever be replaced with cash.
    - Kat Timpf
  • I myself have appeared on countless panels alongside people with whom I've disagreed, at times even vehemently - and yet, the thought of closing out those segments by grabbing their notes and ripping them up has never even crossed my mind.
    - Kat Timpf