Best quotes by Carrie-Anne Moss on People

Checkout quotes by Carrie-Anne Moss on People

  • I love storytelling. I love characters that are complicated and layered, real people, that you see why they do what they do.
    - Carrie-Anne Moss
  • After 'The Matrix,' I cannot wear sunglasses. As soon as I put them on, people recognize me.
    - Carrie-Anne Moss
  • If you think about 'The Matrix' and how high-concept it was, it had these incredible ideas that really penetrated people's consciousness. It really was a film of awakening. I think a lot of people woke up around that film.
    - Carrie-Anne Moss
  • Jessica Jones isn't dressed in a sexy outfit to turn people on. She's gritty. She's a human being.
    - Carrie-Anne Moss
  • I've never been attracted to sci-fi per se. People tell me I'm in a genre kind of movie, but it never crossed my mind that 'The Matrix' was genre.
    - Carrie-Anne Moss
  • I'm not one of those people that needs to have all of the new gadgets or wants any of that.
    - Carrie-Anne Moss