Best quotes by Lynsey Addario on Me

Checkout quotes by Lynsey Addario on Me

  • One day I am at home, watching dramatic images of Iraqi Yazidis fleeing for their lives being aired nonstop on 24-hour news channels. Days later, I am there, staring at tens of thousands of displaced Iraqis and feeling a 35-millimeter frame cannot capture the scope of devastation and heartbreak before me.
    - Lynsey Addario
  • To me, it's so much about doing your homework, going into a situation, getting to know the subject, making them feel comfortable, getting intimate access, getting access to all different aspects of people's lives so that I am essentially telling an entire story and not just a single image.
    - Lynsey Addario
  • I think when I started going to war zones and started covering humanitarian issues, it became a calling because I realized I had a voice, and I can give people without a voice a voice... and now it is something that sits inside of me every day.
    - Lynsey Addario
  • I was lucky because I had parents who have enabled me to do whatever I was passionate about and never held my siblings and me back from anything. But I think a lot of people don't have that experience.
    - Lynsey Addario
  • I think that more often than not, people underestimate me.
    - Lynsey Addario
  • I started freelancing for the Associated Press. I had a great mentor there who sort of taught me everything.
    - Lynsey Addario
  • Most people, when they meet me, one of the first things they say is, 'Why would you voluntarily subject yourself to war? Why would you go into these places where you know there's a risk of getting killed?'
    - Lynsey Addario
  • To me, it's so much about doing your homework, going into a situation, getting to know the subject, making them feel comfortable, getting intimate access, getting access to all different aspects of people's lives, so that I am essentially telling an entire story and not just a single one.
    - Lynsey Addario
  • For me, it's more about being there, bearing witness to history, bearing witness to what's happening, what our country, the position our country is taking overseas. I want policy-makers to see the fruits of their decisions, basically, and to try and influence foreign policy.
    - Lynsey Addario
  • Becoming a mother hasn't necessarily changed how I shoot, but it certainly has made me more sensitive, and it certainly makes it much harder for me to photograph dying children.
    - Lynsey Addario
  • The possibility to mobilize the international community to act on human suffering is what drives me every day as a photojournalist.
    - Lynsey Addario