Best quotes by Mike McCue on People

Checkout quotes by Mike McCue on People

  • Personalized news aggregators are geared around connecting you to news sources; we're about connecting you to your friends. To people you're inspired by. To people that you're following on Facebook and Twitter.
    - Mike McCue
  • You don't feel like you have to interact with a whole bunch of people when you get on Flipboard. It's not a source of social anxiety.
    - Mike McCue
  • What the iPad does is it opens people's minds to a new way of doing things. They're actually thirsting for it.
    - Mike McCue
  • Our whole goal is to basically feature publishers' content and get people to click over to that content on the website.
    - Mike McCue
  • Kind of like Google crawls the Web, we crawl the social networks. Where Google analyzes links and Web pages, we look at the same thing with people. So we can tell, for example, who you interact with more frequently. Or if it's not frequency, maybe it's consistency.
    - Mike McCue
  • As a publisher, you should decide what content is free and what you'd pay for. You have to get the packaging right, but people will pay for content.
    - Mike McCue