Best quotes by Alexa Bliss on Me

Checkout quotes by Alexa Bliss on Me

  • Bodybuilding gave me a healthy way to gain weight and learn to balance my life. Earning my pro card within a year, I got to do something I enjoyed and be healthy at the same time.
    - Alexa Bliss
  • If you don't pay attention to me, I'm going to make you pay attention to me. I've always been that way.
    - Alexa Bliss
  • Everyone has a really short attention span nowadays with social media, our phones. Even me - I can't go without touching my phone every five minutes.
    - Alexa Bliss
  • It was very spur of the moment. When I heard WWE was having tryouts... I would not let the opportunity pass me by. I hired someone to make my video, and I sent in the video, thinking nothing would come of it.
    - Alexa Bliss
  • When it was time for me to get in the ring, I was ready.
    - Alexa Bliss
  • Blake & Murphy were winners, I was a winner, and winners usually gravitate toward each other. They helped me, so I helped them in any way I could. I knew they were able to retain their NXT Tag Team Championship on their own, but when the matches weren't going the way they wanted, I made sure to step in. We were an unstoppable group.
    - Alexa Bliss
  • Blake & Murphy didn't seem to appreciate who I was and what I was doing for them. After losing the NXT Tag Team Championship, they went on a long losing streak. They needed me yet just used me as an accessory.
    - Alexa Bliss
  • When I debuted at NXT, I was naive, and look where it got me. I was overlooked and underestimated.
    - Alexa Bliss
  • Bodybuilding helped me to realize that I don't have to look like the girls in the magazines and that it's OK to feel good about my curves.
    - Alexa Bliss
  • I got a lot of motivation from my character of people-watching. And if they do something that annoys me, I steal it and do it because I know it annoys other people. If it annoys me, it's going to annoy you.
    - Alexa Bliss
  • It took me forever to get comfortable. When I first started NXT, we had promo classes, and I used to get so upset because I couldn't get in front of a crowd and talk. I was terrified.
    - Alexa Bliss
  • If someone does something that makes me mad, well, chances are it'll probably make other people mad if I do it, too. I like to think, 'What's the meanest thing, the rudest thing I can say right now?' Or how can I completely discredit someone? That's just my mentality.
    - Alexa Bliss
  • I love to talk. Everyone knows that you don't want to start a conversation with me unless you want me to end it the next day, because I never stop talking.
    - Alexa Bliss
  • My ideal night for me, personally, is watching Disney movies and drinking a glass of wine by myself in the hotel room. That's my ideal night.
    - Alexa Bliss
  • I guess people would describe me as the character I portrayed in NXT when I threw glitter and wore tutus and was very bubbly, because that's what I love.
    - Alexa Bliss