Best quotes by Adam Thielen on Me

Checkout quotes by Adam Thielen on Me

  • I've never been a numbers guy. Numbers don't excite me. Winning games excites me.
    - Adam Thielen
  • For me, I'm just trying to keep getting better.
    - Adam Thielen
  • I love when people doubt me. I love when people don't think that I'm good enough to play at a certain level, not good enough to be a starter, things like that. That's the stuff that drives me.
    - Adam Thielen
  • I've always been a very observant person, a visual person. That's my way of learning. Things on paper, notes and things like that, don't help me the same way as watching things live.
    - Adam Thielen
  • I don't really care what people think about me or the color of my skin. I'm just playing football.
    - Adam Thielen
  • I think there were a lot of people at Mankato reaching out to the Vikings saying to just bring me in for a tryout.
    - Adam Thielen
  • Being a part of the practice squad was a tough year for me.
    - Adam Thielen
  • Being able to put the film out there that I did and prove that I can be a starter in this league, it's put me in a good situation.
    - Adam Thielen