Best quotes by Bob Seger on Music

Checkout quotes by Bob Seger on Music

  • I'm listing to music all the time. I have favorite artists. Kid Rock loves the Civil Wars' song 'Barton Hollow.' We both said that's our favorite country song of the year. That knocks me out.
    - Bob Seger
  • I always loved music. You know, my parents said I started singing when I was 4, in the car.
    - Bob Seger
  • My father left us when I was 10, so I had to make enough money for us to be able to live in a house because my brother went in the service during Vietnam and I was sole support of my mother. And she had no skills, really, except to clean other people's houses. So I had to have a bunch of jobs, you know, as well as music.
    - Bob Seger
  • Even in junior high, I always knew I had a talent for music and I knew I could make money that way.
    - Bob Seger
  • I just start playing music and eventually I sing something, a line of a verse or a B section or a line of a chorus, and the line that I end up singing is related to the music I'm playing, if that makes any sense. And I go from there.
    - Bob Seger
  • I'd rather make music than tour.
    - Bob Seger