Best quotes by Dylan Moran on Me

Checkout quotes by Dylan Moran on Me

  • Maybe this is just me, but as time goes by, I'm more bewildered by modernity. It gets more unfathomable with every passing year.
    - Dylan Moran
  • I have a very low level of recognition, which is fine by me.
    - Dylan Moran
  • Some people have told me that I'm grumpy; it's not something that I'm aware of. It's not like I walk around poking children in the eye... not very small ones, anyway.
    - Dylan Moran
  • I get a phone call once every 18 months from some mad person who wants me to do something for less than no money and they give me about a week's notice. That's my film career, most of the time.
    - Dylan Moran
  • You try various things when you're growing up. I was an attache in the Foreign Service for a while and then I drove a bulldozer, but neither of those panned out for me so it had to be stand-up.
    - Dylan Moran
  • I'm very drawn to Eastern Europe, so I like a Hungarian writer who wrote in French called Emil Cioran; he was always good for giving me such a stir.
    - Dylan Moran
  • Showing off seemed to me to be a highly valuable and necessary activity when I was 20.
    - Dylan Moran
  • In the same way, there is some creature gnawing away inside of me, urging me to do things in different ways.
    - Dylan Moran
  • I don't watch a whole lot of stand up. Mainly I prefer to read writers; they make me laugh the most. Something gets you when you're alone and someone's voice is coming through their work. There's a different quality to it that stays with you a bit more.
    - Dylan Moran
  • I'm just trying to understand what's around me as much as anyone else is, really. To draw a bead on a moving target.
    - Dylan Moran