Best quotes by Mark Lanegan on Music

Checkout quotes by Mark Lanegan on Music

  • I was in Screaming Trees - I wasn't really interested in playing quiet music in a live setting. But I would get asked quite often to do a show or open for somebody, and I always said no. Finally, I was asked if I would open for Johnny Cash, and Johnny Cash was one of my dad's favorite heroes. So that's why I started doing solo shows.
    - Mark Lanegan
  • I was listening to punk rock in the '70s as a young kid, but all by myself; I never met anyone that listened to that kind of music. Just by chance, I was in detention, and one of the guys in the class was Van Conner... I started talking to him and found out that we listened to some of the same music.
    - Mark Lanegan
  • The first music I heard that made me put away my comic books and make music was original punk.
    - Mark Lanegan
  • In 2005, I worked as a scenic painter for a while when I was taking a break from music.
    - Mark Lanegan
  • I think when people hear your music, sometimes they get deeply attached to it and think they know something about you, that you're kindred spirits or something.
    - Mark Lanegan
  • When they're listening to your music all the time, you become part of their life, and some people get obsessed.
    - Mark Lanegan
  • Usually, I write the music and am involved in the production.
    - Mark Lanegan
  • I didn't always enjoy playing music with the Trees.
    - Mark Lanegan
  • I was never super comfortable playing music in front of people anyway. Now I enjoy it, but it wasn't the easiest thing to get past.
    - Mark Lanegan
  • Naturally, if I'm singing over really loud music, my approach is gonna be different than if I'm singing over some quiet acoustic music.
    - Mark Lanegan
  • When I was a kid in the late '60s and early '70s, my parents and their friends would play the records of Andy Williams, Dean Martin, Frank Sinatra, and Perry Como, music with string arrangements and men singing songs that sounded sad whether they were or not.
    - Mark Lanegan