Best quotes by Morena Baccarin on Life

Checkout quotes by Morena Baccarin on Life

  • They have a joy for life in Brazil unlike any country I've ever seen.
    - Morena Baccarin
  • You go on a million auditions anyway as an actor, and one out of a hundred, you get. It's a hard life, but you can't really think about it that way.
    - Morena Baccarin
  • We're all interested in life outside of Earth. We all have a fascination with what's out there because we don't really know.
    - Morena Baccarin
  • My career has been very good to me, but really, the odds are really slim. It's a tough life, and you deal with a lot of rejection and unemployment, and if you're lucky to have a career, it's not easy. So you just want to protect your kids from the pain of rejection.
    - Morena Baccarin
  • I understand people are curious, but it doesn't matter. My personal life is my personal life.
    - Morena Baccarin