Best quotes by Jax Jones on Music

Checkout quotes by Jax Jones on Music

  • My step dad's from Nigeria, so he listened to Highlife music from Africa. He was also into hip-hop and R&B, and from that, I started to listen to music from his collection and liking it, developing my own taste.
    - Jax Jones
  • At heart I'm a hip-hop kid and an R&B kid, but I've always had an appreciation for club culture and dance music.
    - Jax Jones
  • I was pretty smart in school in terms of grades and stuff. I just got the bug to do music.
    - Jax Jones
  • Mabel is wicked. We come at music from different angles and are both into some different stuff so when we got in together, it was really refreshing to approach the session with different music in mind.
    - Jax Jones
  • Getting to connect with new people in new parts of the world every week is a blessing, and when the crowd and music is right, nothing can replace that feeling.
    - Jax Jones
  • My mum didn't want me to really pursue music in the beginning, but I'm a classically trained guitarist because of her.
    - Jax Jones