Best quotes by Frank Gehry on Work

Checkout quotes by Frank Gehry on Work

  • For me, every day is a new thing. I approach each project with a new insecurity, almost like the first project I ever did. And I get the sweats. I go in and start working, I'm not sure where I'm going. If I knew where I was going I wouldn't do it.
    - Frank Gehry
  • I refuse to work unless I get paid, so I don't get a lot of work sometimes.
    - Frank Gehry
  • Liquid architecture. It's like jazz - you improvise, you work together, you play off each other, you make something, they make something. And I think it's a way of - for me, it's a way of trying to understand the city, and what might happen in the city.
    - Frank Gehry
  • Bilbao opened in 1997. It was only ten years later that I was asked to do another museum. A lot of other people got work because of Bilbao.
    - Frank Gehry
  • Well, I've always just - I've never really gone out looking for work. I always waited for it to sort of hit me on the head.
    - Frank Gehry
  • Some people may say my curved panels look like sails. Well, I am a sailor, so I guess I probably do use that metaphor in my work - though not consciously.
    - Frank Gehry
  • I work from the inside out.
    - Frank Gehry
  • I can't just decide myself what's being built. Someone decides what they want, then I work for them.
    - Frank Gehry
  • The fact is I'm an opportunist. I'll take materials around me, materials on my table, and work with them as I'm searching for an idea that works.
    - Frank Gehry