Best quotes by Callie Khouri on Movies

Checkout quotes by Callie Khouri on Movies

  • For me, the movies I like are all independent. And getting an independent feature made, it's like you get down to the selling organs part, and it just loses some of its luster.
    - Callie Khouri
  • I don't think any studio - it was a long shot at the time - but I don't think any studio in a million years would make 'Thelma and Louise' right now. But there's so many other kinds of movies they won't make right now.
    - Callie Khouri
  • If the same energy went into marketing movies to women as they do on the other demographics we might see more of a spike.
    - Callie Khouri
  • With female-oriented movies, unless it's something like 'Bridesmaids' or a romantic comedy, you've got to really worry about your opening weekend. And I'm always telling stories about women, not younger women, and it's just a much tougher audience to get to the movie theater.
    - Callie Khouri
  • There are so many screenwriters with incredible stories to tell, so I hope there will be some kind of shift in the business where very few types of movies are now made by the studios. There needs to be different budgets for different audiences; not everything having to be a huge opening weekend.
    - Callie Khouri
  • Movie studios are owned by giant corporations. They care about money; they don't care about movies.
    - Callie Khouri