Best quotes by Tom Hollander on People

Checkout quotes by Tom Hollander on People

  • Somehow I find it easier to inhabit characters if they are a little bit pathetic. I do seem to have an affinity with pathetic people.
    - Tom Hollander
  • My parents are very lovely people - the sort of people that one should aspire to be like, really.
    - Tom Hollander
  • I meet people who are famous, and it's made me realise that fame has huge lifestyle disadvantages. I'm nervous about that. I don't want to become a celebrity.
    - Tom Hollander
  • Drama schools say if arts funding is cut, people can't afford to go, but I didn't go to drama school.
    - Tom Hollander
  • I don't have any children. And I've often found other people's a bit annoying.
    - Tom Hollander
  • People who go to Oxford and Cambridge are often unproductive. What am I saying? This is nonsense. No, sometimes they get so competitive that, unless they're going to be Pulitzer prize-winning, they can't get off their backside.
    - Tom Hollander