Best quotes by Jada Pinkett Smith on Women

Checkout quotes by Jada Pinkett Smith on Women

  • Women, you can have it all - a loving man, devoted husband, loving children, a fabulous career.
    - Jada Pinkett Smith
  • Here's the thing, men have to also mature in how they see women, too. Because they need to understand that it's not just about how we look, it's about who we are. And I am going to tell you like this, 'If you can't love me with short hair, and you telling me I got to have long hair to be loved, guess what, I ain't the one for you.'
    - Jada Pinkett Smith
  • I've always been a caretaker; I think a lot of women are. We take care of everybody else first, and very rarely do we think about ourselves.
    - Jada Pinkett Smith
  • We have to nurture our young women and understand the beauty and the strength of being a woman. It's kind of a catch-22: Strength in women isn't appreciated, and vulnerability in women isn't appreciated. It's like, 'What the hell do you do?' What you do is you don't allow anyone to dictate who you are.
    - Jada Pinkett Smith
  • I think women who lead full lives are better mothers.
    - Jada Pinkett Smith
  • Women need to attack those negative voices they have in their head.
    - Jada Pinkett Smith
  • I just think, as women, we have to give ourselves room to be individuals. So when a woman makes a decision for herself, we as women shouldn't set those hardcore boundaries for another woman. Just like we don't want men setting hardcore boundaries for us.
    - Jada Pinkett Smith