Best quotes by Alex Guarnaschelli on Love

Checkout quotes by Alex Guarnaschelli on Love

  • I love 'The Gourmet Cooking School Cookbook' by Dione Lucas. A huge source of information and inspiration. The book is organized by menu, and the recipes are unusual and exciting.
    - Alex Guarnaschelli
  • I like to take a day off and enjoy fast food for what it is. I have to say that in New York, I'm really partial about taco trucks. I mean, I really can't handle it. There is something about catching all those ingredients piled on top of each other: it puts me in a tizzy. I love it. I'm kind of a taco truck junkie.
    - Alex Guarnaschelli
  • My father always said, 'If you love what you do, you won't mind slogging through it for several hours a day.'
    - Alex Guarnaschelli
  • I think we love bacon because it has all the qualities of an amazing sensory experience. When we cook it, the sizzling sound is so appetizing, the aroma is maddening, the crunch of the texture is so gratifying and the taste delivers every time.
    - Alex Guarnaschelli
  • Walnuts are so rich. I also love that you can chew them for five minutes. Then I eat a couple of golden raisins as a palate cleanser because they are really tart, and then more walnuts. It's a great snack for me.
    - Alex Guarnaschelli
  • I really love muscle cars. I don't think people might realize that about me. I really want to go to an auto auction and blow my life savings on a Camaro. They have such design around them, such panache.
    - Alex Guarnaschelli
  • I love watching a single pork chop seasoned with garlic and shallots cook and see the fat bubble around it.
    - Alex Guarnaschelli
  • I wouldn't call being a chef gratifying in a lot of ways. It's an act of love.
    - Alex Guarnaschelli