Best quotes by Maryanne Wolf on Knowledge

Checkout quotes by Maryanne Wolf on Knowledge

  • Children need to have both time to think and the motivation to think for themselves, to develop an expert reading brain, before the digital mode dominates their reading. The immediacy and volume of information should not be confused with true knowledge.
    - Maryanne Wolf
  • There's a richness that reading gives you, an opportunity to probe more than any other medium I know of. Reading is about not being content with the surface.
    - Maryanne Wolf
  • I have no doubt that the digital immersion of our children will provide a rich life of entertainment and information and knowledge. My concern is that they will not learn, with their passive immersion, the joy and the effort of the third life, of thinking one's own thoughts and going beyond what is given.
    - Maryanne Wolf
  • The acquisition of literacy is one of the most important epigenetic achievements of Homo sapiens. To our knowledge, no other species ever acquired it.
    - Maryanne Wolf
  • The first and most common reason for not being a fluent reader is that the child does not yet know how to decode very well yet. They lack automatic decoding skills, and this prevents them from being able to read accurately, much less smoothly and quickly. Decoding accuracy is the first prerequisite to fluency.
    - Maryanne Wolf