Best quotes by Paul Wolfowitz on American

Checkout quotes by Paul Wolfowitz on American

  • We don't start a job that we can't finish... that's the American way.
    - Paul Wolfowitz
  • Look, I think the public generally understands that what's at stake in Afghanistan is American security, number one.
    - Paul Wolfowitz
  • The internal affairs of other countries has a big impact on American interests.
    - Paul Wolfowitz
  • The American people are pretty impressive in their ability to keep after something if they think it is doable.
    - Paul Wolfowitz
  • Part of what is wrong with the view of American imperialism is that it is antithetical to our interests. We are better off when people are governing themselves. I'm sure there is some guy that will tell you that philosophy is no different from the Roman Empire's. Well, it is fundamentally different.
    - Paul Wolfowitz