Best quotes by Tamsin Greig on Women

Checkout quotes by Tamsin Greig on Women

  • I work in Britain, where women are allowed to look their age.
    - Tamsin Greig
  • I know women at work who don't talk about having a baby because they don't want to upset the apple cart, but unless people know what the problems are, why should they engage with it?
    - Tamsin Greig
  • I've been so amazed at the number of really professional top-of-their-game women who I know to be intelligent, well educated and brilliant who have said, 'What was it like to snog Matt LeBlanc?'
    - Tamsin Greig
  • I cannot step into any day without help. I have a fantastically engaged husband who is very present for his children and our family life. We've got a brilliant nanny, other help from parents-in-law, godparents, friends. Also, I've had incredible women around me in the business.
    - Tamsin Greig
  • A lot of middle-aged women are children still trying to find their way.
    - Tamsin Greig
  • When we were growing up, women in their late 40s generally didn't dye their hair.
    - Tamsin Greig