Best quotes by Nick Kroll on Work

Checkout quotes by Nick Kroll on Work

  • Oftentimes the shows that don't work help you get it right.
    - Nick Kroll
  • I'm proud of the work that we did, and my hope is that everyone who worked on 'Kroll Show,' it will be a credit that people will be like, 'Oh, you worked on that show? The word on that show was that it was good.'
    - Nick Kroll
  • I found, especially with stand-up, that if a premise works, you can make the joke work. If a premise doesn't work, you can't force it to.
    - Nick Kroll
  • I feel incredibly lucky at this moment in my career to get paid to do basically exactly what I always wanted to do. I appreciate that in general. But you know, like any job, a job is a job, and there are days that are going to be boring, or you have a boss you don't like, or people you work with.
    - Nick Kroll
  • I started doing improv in college, and I met Mike Birbiglia and John Mulaney and a bunch of other very funny, talented people who I'm still friends with and work with.
    - Nick Kroll
  • Meeting someone you admire, and then that person's like, 'I'm a fan of your work' - it's a really neat feeling.
    - Nick Kroll
  • I think a lot of podcasts have a lot of amazing character work. Seth Morris does this amazing character, Boch Duco, which I think is one of the funniest, most well-realized characters that I've ever seen or heard.
    - Nick Kroll
  • Part of making art is learning how you make it best. I'm not great at sitting down at a desk and writing for three hours. I write best verbally, talking through an idea with people, so I do my best work when I collaborate.
    - Nick Kroll