Best quotes by Miriam Toews on Life

Checkout quotes by Miriam Toews on Life

  • The whole notion of pain, and how every individual experiences pain, is up for debate. We don't know how another person experiences pain - physical pain or psychic pain. Some of these clinics where assisted suicide or euthanasia is practiced, they call it 'weariness of life.'
    - Miriam Toews
  • In writing fiction, I can be free. I can use my life. The raw material is my experiences.
    - Miriam Toews
  • In writing fiction, I can be free. I can use my life. The raw material is my experiences.
    - Miriam Toews
  • The writing life is one long, never-ending search for narrative. Well, it's not even a conscious searching. It happens even while you're busy buying groceries and when you're fast asleep. It's a curse.
    - Miriam Toews
  • I stare out the window and reflect on the similarity between writing and saving a life and the inevitable failure of one's imagination and one's goals and ambitions to create a character or a life worth saving.
    - Miriam Toews
  • There are so many things in my life that would be completely not on within the conservative church. And yet I think of myself as a reasonably decent human being. With all sorts of flaws, you know, but still reasonably decent. If I did believe in Heaven and Hell, I would really, honestly, believe I was going to go to Heaven.
    - Miriam Toews
  • At one point in my life, I wanted to do a master's degree in Irish literature, but I ended up getting pregnant instead.
    - Miriam Toews
  • At one point in my life, I wanted to do a master's degree in Irish literature, but I ended up getting pregnant instead.
    - Miriam Toews
  • 'Cue for Treason,' by Geoffrey Trease, radicalized my young girl brain and made me want to be a gender-bending, sonnet-writing anarchist. It really made something roar to life inside of me.
    - Miriam Toews