Best quotes by Basil Hume on God

Checkout quotes by Basil Hume on God

  • The great gift of Easter is hope - Christian hope which makes us have that confidence in God, in his ultimate triumph, and in his goodness and love, which nothing can shake.
    - Basil Hume
  • We are blind: we cannot see God with our senses, and our deductions from what we know or are thinking about the word of God itself - how little power they have to bring us to God! We are blind, and our eyes need the touch of our Lord's hand to enable us at times to even see dimly.
    - Basil Hume
  • What did our Lord do by his Passion, Death, and Resurrection? He bridged that gulf which exists between God and man, a gulf which can only be bridged by him.
    - Basil Hume
  • Our response, our attitude, depends on our realisation of God's attitude toward us. If I experience love or have experienced it, this is the means whereby I can explore the mystery of God's love.
    - Basil Hume
  • The experience of prayer when there is no awareness of God and no apparent response from ourselves should not lead us to escape from prayer or give it up.
    - Basil Hume
  • In my opinion, it is a mistake to expect in prayer a response from God. Often, God's response is outside prayer. And often, we do not link up an outside response with the effort we put into prayer.
    - Basil Hume
  • It is healthy to say, 'Yes, I am a sinner,' and to recognise that this should lead us to turn to God full of confidence in his love and mercy.
    - Basil Hume
  • How wonderful it would be if the love of God was our priority and the love of neighbour flowed from that.
    - Basil Hume