Best quotes by Sonya Walger on Me

Checkout quotes by Sonya Walger on Me

  • The word 'fate' doesn't really mean much to me in some ways. I think we make our own.
    - Sonya Walger
  • You know, I just tend to do the scene that I'm given, really. If it really needs it, then I'll go to them and ask 'What's she talking about? What's she referring to?' But often they don't know, or they do know and they're not going to tell me, so I've learned just to work with what I'm given.
    - Sonya Walger
  • To be honest I don't watch the show, I don't watch any TV, so I have no idea what the show is about. I go to Hawaii, shot my scenes and script and 'Ciao.' I'm not a 'Lost' fanatic and it's a disappointment for thousands people and friends that are dying to know what will happen. They know more than me.
    - Sonya Walger
  • I was just on Broadway for four months, and the amount of fan mail that arrived at the theater was just overwhelming. I mean, I had no idea! I guess people suddenly had access to me and knew where to find me, so they got me there, and I was amazed.
    - Sonya Walger
  • This is the joke of me being a part of 'Lost': I haven't met three-quarters of that cast.
    - Sonya Walger
  • My husband calls me 'throwy-outy' - he's horrified at how easily I dispense with things. People I won't let go of, but things, mementos from shows, I'm not particularly attached to.
    - Sonya Walger
  • I have a dialogue coach who helps me out with some of the more tricky Chicago vowel sounds.
    - Sonya Walger