Best quotes by Harold Ramis on Funny

Checkout quotes by Harold Ramis on Funny

  • Comedy and tragedy co-exist. You can't have one without the other. I'm of the school that anything can be funny if seen from a comedic point of view.
    - Harold Ramis
  • Acting is all about big hair and funny props... All the great actors knew it. Olivier knew it, Brando knew it.
    - Harold Ramis
  • Billy Crystal knows how to make people laugh. He's got 30 years on stage... there's no telling him what's funny.
    - Harold Ramis
  • I'm not a believer in the pratfall. I don't think it's funny just to have someone fall down.
    - Harold Ramis
  • Films are big hits when they touch a lot of people. Things are not funny in a vacuum, they're funny because we respond to some personal dislocation, some embarrassment, some humiliation, some pain we've suffered, or some desire we have.
    - Harold Ramis