Best quotes by Richard Painter on People

Checkout quotes by Richard Painter on People

  • The real problem with the Republican Party is that for decades it has shifted constantly to the right politically. Consequently, the Republican Party is picking up a very different demographic than it used to, a less well-educated demographic of people who are more prone to authoritarianism.
    - Richard Painter
  • I think President Trump could pardon anyone he wanted and have it be an effective pardon. I think there would be a big price to pay if he started pardoning people in connection with the Russian investigation.
    - Richard Painter
  • When people are making up stories about Bob Mueller on Fox News and those get traction in congressional committees and in the White House, at a certain point, I've got to say no.
    - Richard Painter
  • People knew Trump had strange relationships with the Russians even before he was elected. Consequently, there is every reason to investigate whether Donald Trump is a Russian asset.
    - Richard Painter
  • This is how the Russians have operated for years - they get the goods on people and then they can get you to do what they want. This is how someone like Donald Trump could be turned into a Russian asset.
    - Richard Painter
  • I don't believe President Nixon ordered a break-in, but people working for him were doing it. And then that dragged the president in. And then you have the cover-up. And before you know it, the president's gone.
    - Richard Painter