Best quotes by Thundercat on Music

Checkout quotes by Thundercat on Music

  • I feel like there are things that inspire the music, and then there's the music itself. I don't feel like I always need to force them together.
    - Thundercat
  • The church we grew up playing at was not one of those churches known for its music, but it was just this all-around energy that would be happening because, at the same time we'd be playing in church, we'd be playing in the city jazz band under Reggie Edwards.
    - Thundercat
  • The truth is hip hop has always complemented jazz and vice versa, but there's always been this communication barrier that exists based on music to lyrics.
    - Thundercat
  • Kenny Loggins pours his heart and soul into the music he makes. He'll take you with him through everything he's going through, which is not easy.
    - Thundercat
  • I try not to think too hard about music. I like to see where it goes. I try not to give it a direction. I figure out what it is as it's forming. I don't have any goal in mind other than to make the best music I can.
    - Thundercat
  • When I invite people over to my apartment, they usually don't like it because the music I play confuses the crap out of them - I'm making people listen to the 'Final Fantasy' soundtrack, and they're like, 'Why is this happening? Let's just leave and find somebody who wants us to have fun and not teach us about something.'
    - Thundercat
  • Sometimes I practice to Allan Holdsworth or John McLaughlin, but I don't just practice to jazz and jazz-fusion albums. I'll practice to TV theme music - one of my favorites is 'M*A*S*H.' I'll just play along with anything on the TV.
    - Thundercat
  • Singing and playing live can be difficult. Like, in the studio, I would record either the music track first or the vocal first. I don't necessarily do them together.
    - Thundercat
  • Why do we think the '70s were so awesome? That 'freeness' of music was there.
    - Thundercat