Best quotes by Rich Eisen on Sports

Checkout quotes by Rich Eisen on Sports

  • Sports is the ultimate escape, the ultimate in reality programming. It's true drama. You really don't know what's going to happen.
    - Rich Eisen
  • We all idolize sports figures, and we see them fall from grace. You just truly never know anybody anymore.
    - Rich Eisen
  • In the sports world it's all about argument. It's all about having a hot take. The other person has to have the polar opposite opinion, and you bash them together. To me it is an outlier to have a conversation be the basis of why you are listening.
    - Rich Eisen
  • Sports is part of the pop culture landscape in this country, just like music and television and movies.
    - Rich Eisen
  • There are hundreds of millions of people on dating apps every day, but apparently, no such apps cater solely to sports fans.
    - Rich Eisen
  • I am definitely not the first person with a sports program to have a Hollywood star come on, but I don't know of any that does it as a staple of the program, which is something we are trying to do.
    - Rich Eisen
  • The NFL is part of the pop culture landscape, so sports fans don't bat an eye when you stop in the middle of a piece to talk about a new movie.
    - Rich Eisen
  • I have some guests who get angry when they don't get to talk about sports and have to talk about the project they are promoting.
    - Rich Eisen
  • Being a huge football fan, the chance to work for the NFL and do a show combining sports and entertainment is truly a dream come true.
    - Rich Eisen