Best quotes by Mary J. Blige on Myself

Checkout quotes by Mary J. Blige on Myself

  • I had to learn how to trust my gut. Trust what I know to be right... not right, but not waver on who I am. Know who I am, know what I want, and know it. Not waver on it and be secure in that. And I still struggle with it. But I really... I can't be moved. You can't move me, and that all comes with loving myself, and I'm like my best buddy.
    - Mary J. Blige
  • For the first time in my life, I'm proud of myself.
    - Mary J. Blige
  • I do consider myself part of black history.
    - Mary J. Blige
  • I'm my worst critic, and I like the fact that I can listen to myself now and make fun of myself, listen, make changes - 'Oh, man, that's messed up. Okay, I need to work on that; I need to work on this.'
    - Mary J. Blige
  • Yonkers made me strong and made me believe in myself, because so many people would doubt you and not believe. There are people that would believe in you, but the environment was so harsh, nobody wanted you to get out, you know?
    - Mary J. Blige