Best quotes by Foster Friess on People

Checkout quotes by Foster Friess on People

  • I allowed Rick Santorum to express views and ideas that the American people never would have had expressed.
    - Foster Friess
  • I think culture precedes politics, and I think the attempts to try and legislate people's behavior... isn't going to be productive until the culture decides what they want to achieve.
    - Foster Friess
  • People asked, 'So what are you - a multimillionaire?' I like to say, 'A billionaire wanna-be.'
    - Foster Friess
  • It's so sad to see how few people in the Obama administration have any private sector experience.
    - Foster Friess
  • I want to make sure the people we elect to office believe in America.
    - Foster Friess
  • I think the thing I'd like to do is just educate the people to some of the travesties they can end.
    - Foster Friess
  • The McCain-Feingold limit on how much you give a candidate didn't really work because people found ways to get around it.
    - Foster Friess
  • What do wealthy people do with their money? They can only buy so many cars, houses, and steak dinners. So we either give it away or invest it.
    - Foster Friess