Best quotes by Bryce Dallas Howard on Me

Checkout quotes by Bryce Dallas Howard on Me

  • What keeps me sane the most is, honestly, the Serenity Prayer.
    - Bryce Dallas Howard
  • For me, breastfeeding was even more painful than giving birth. And despite a lactation consultant, I felt incompetent. I forged on, barely sleeping, always either breastfeeding or pumping and never getting the hang of it.
    - Bryce Dallas Howard
  • It was such a paradox for me that the only thing I know how to do is act, but that the first thing I abandoned while writing were the characters.
    - Bryce Dallas Howard
  • My parents taught me many of the things that people need in life to feel confident: practical things, such as managing finances, mucking out the goat barn, cleaning a house, doing repairs, mending a broken roof or a toilet.
    - Bryce Dallas Howard
  • I did a play in New York at the public theater, a Shakespeare play, and M. Night Shyamalan, who is the writer/director of 'The Village,' came and saw me in the play and asked to go to lunch afterwards.
    - Bryce Dallas Howard
  • I want to be the best actor that I can be; I want to be working in this business absolutely, and if that means being a movie star, then OK, that's fine. But to me, movie star, celebrity, all that stuff means something very different than being an actor.
    - Bryce Dallas Howard
  • It is an honor for me to take part in Canon's Project Imagin8ion, partnering with a brand that is empowering young filmmakers and is at the forefront of technology.
    - Bryce Dallas Howard
  • Directing 'When You Find Me' was one of the most creatively rewarding endeavors of my career.
    - Bryce Dallas Howard
  • I can only really speak for myself and what I've noticed in my kids and the people in my life, but because dinosaurs were real, and yet they seem so fantastical, is why they held such a huge fascination for me as a child. They're so different from human beings.
    - Bryce Dallas Howard