Best quotes by Jamie Foxx on Women

Checkout quotes by Jamie Foxx on Women

  • Then I was playing the piano at eight, and that helps you learn about women because most of the people I was playing for were women.
    - Jamie Foxx
  • I have about 20 to 25 platonic relationships with women all across the board from professional to artistic and they always give little clues on what they like.
    - Jamie Foxx
  • When you sing R&B songs in front of an audience, you look out and there's 85% women. I think R&B music is sort of designed for a man singing to a woman. I don't sing it like the sexy thing, but sort of pseudo-sexy. We rally the women together because it's about being independent and things like that.
    - Jamie Foxx
  • Guys don't adapt as well as women do to getting their heart broken for the first time. It's tragic.
    - Jamie Foxx
  • It's so easy to play us guys that I hate to give away secrets to women because I know they'll use them. But OK, if you just simply don't give a guy the time of day, every once in awhile, it just makes us more like 'What do we do?' Men are developed to conquer. When we can't seem to conquer, we stay in it no matter what.
    - Jamie Foxx