Best quotes by Opal Tometi on Police

Checkout quotes by Opal Tometi on Police

  • Police cannot be allowed to continue aggressive, violent, and often unconstitutional policing with impunity.
    - Opal Tometi
  • I have two younger brothers, and I know my parents have spoken to them about driving and interacting with police. They didn't have those conversations with me, but they did have conversations about being exceptional black people.
    - Opal Tometi
  • What we are oftentimes reminding people of is the fact that the history of police in the U.S. was that they were slave patrols. They were quite literally created in order to capture enslaved Africans.
    - Opal Tometi
  • Despite claims that there are good and bad cops, we know that the system is failing everyone - including the police.
    - Opal Tometi
  • Some of us have held the hands of friends or brothers as they struggled with military and police academy recruiters, and though many of them never dreamed of being policemen, a lack of opportunities led them to those positions.
    - Opal Tometi
  • We have to start imagining a new reality - this will mean fewer police and more social workers and teachers. This will mean creating more economic possibilities and investment that preserves and does not displace our communities.
    - Opal Tometi