Best quotes by Eli Roth on Movies

Checkout quotes by Eli Roth on Movies

  • As a kid, my idols were Sam Raimi and Peter Jackson, and I get into crazy races with myself. Raimi was 21 when he made movies, and when I didn't get 'Cabin Fever' made that fast I thought I'd failed.
    - Eli Roth
  • Horror movies are the best date movies. There's no wondering, 'When do I put my arm around her?'
    - Eli Roth
  • When someone throws up while watching one of your movies, it's like a standing ovation.
    - Eli Roth
  • I love movies. I mean, I really, really love movies.
    - Eli Roth
  • What is important to me is that people know I respect the business of making movies.
    - Eli Roth
  • I look at careers like Ben Stiller and think that's a great career to have where you're doing movies that you write and direct, and also act in films, although he's primarily an actor.
    - Eli Roth
  • What I've always thought I would do is make a bunch of movies and then stop to teach for awhile. And then just teach at film schools - you know, teach children.
    - Eli Roth
  • The best movies now are called 'thrillers.' Because if you use the word 'horror,' people's associations are straight-to-video crap.
    - Eli Roth
  • I like to take risks and do weird things and stuff that's not normal compared to other Hollywood movies. Not stuff that's totally avant garde and daring, but doing stuff that's in other languages and not using stars and using real people - things that they generally don't do in mainstream films.
    - Eli Roth