Best quotes by Rita Rudner on Women

Checkout quotes by Rita Rudner on Women

  • Some women hold up dresses that are so ugly and they always say the same thing: 'This looks much better on.' On what? On fire?
    - Rita Rudner
  • Men reach their sexual peak at eighteen. Women reach theirs at thirty-five. Do you get the feeling that God is playing a practical joke?
    - Rita Rudner
  • Men are self-confident because they grow up identifying with super-heroes. Women have bad self-images because they grow up identifying with Barbie.
    - Rita Rudner
  • Barbie ruined my life! It's a really bad image for women. For a long time I thought I was deformed - because my heels didn't touch the ground. I was walking around on tiptoes. What's up with that? I think that it's a bad thing for a woman to try to emulate.
    - Rita Rudner
  • Men who consistently leave the toilet seat up secretly want women to get up to go the bathroom in the middle of the night and fall in.
    - Rita Rudner