Best quotes by Cullen Bunn on Work

Checkout quotes by Cullen Bunn on Work

  • I think 'Magneto' is definitely an anti-hero. He's fighting for the right thing, but his methods are far too extreme. He's not above breaking the law, stretching the limits of what is moral and putting evil to work for good.
    - Cullen Bunn
  • I've been extremely lucky in my career, in terms of artists and colorists I've been able to work with, and I think 'Helheim' is a perfect example of that look playing out perfectly.
    - Cullen Bunn
  • When I first started submitting my work professionally - and we're talking years and years ago - I had no patience for editorial response times. I hated waiting to hear back from people, hated waiting to see my work in print.
    - Cullen Bunn
  • When I was younger, my goal in life was to work in special FX makeup. Liquid latex and fake blood! That was the dream!
    - Cullen Bunn
  • I've been really lucky to work with some of the best writers in the business.
    - Cullen Bunn