Best quotes by Liana Liberato on Love

Checkout quotes by Liana Liberato on Love

  • Surround yourself with good people who encourage and love you. There are always ups and downs, no matter how successful you are.
    - Liana Liberato
  • Any actor has their moments of being stressed, but the great part about this job is that it's so unpredictable, and that's what I like. I love spontaneity. I don't ever want to be bored, doing the same thing from 9 to 5.
    - Liana Liberato
  • I love 'The Walking Dead,' 'Shameless,' and - this is going to sound really dorky - I'm obsessed with 'Dance Moms.' I love Abby Lee Miller. Honestly, if there's such a thing as past lives, I was definitely a dancer. Maybe if I ever get a big enough name, I can call Abby Lee Miller myself and ask her to be my private coach.
    - Liana Liberato
  • I love all kinds of movies. I love a really good comedy and not the cheesy ones. My parents hate this, but I love horror films. Those are my favorite, and of course, dramatic roles. I'm really drawn to those as well. All different genres.
    - Liana Liberato
  • I love the 'Walking Dead,' but I don't wanna be an actual prominent character on the show. I just wanna be a zombie.
    - Liana Liberato
  • Every role that I have taken on has demanded some kind of emotional range. I really, really would love to do a comedy, but that opportunity really hasn't opened up.
    - Liana Liberato