Best quotes by Bernardo Bertolucci on Me

Checkout quotes by Bernardo Bertolucci on Me

  • I accept all interpretations of my films. The only reality is before the camera. Each film I make is kind of a return to poetry for me, or at least an attempt to create a poem.
    - Bernardo Bertolucci
  • To explore technology for me is something that I have to do. Otherwise, I feel completely left in the back... abandoned.
    - Bernardo Bertolucci
  • I like to be in a huis clos, as the French say - in one place. It's something that in general can create a bit of claustrophobia. But for me, claustrophobia becomes almost immediately claustrophilia. I love it!
    - Bernardo Bertolucci
  • For American filmmakers, the Oscars is like a mystic thing. For me, it was being in a mirror of my dreams when I was dreaming of Hollywood when I was an adolescent.
    - Bernardo Bertolucci
  • What always made me proud - almost blushing with pride - is that Francis Coppola, Martin Scorsese, Steven Spielberg all told me that 'The Conformist' is their first modern influence.
    - Bernardo Bertolucci
  • I don't see my movies. When you ask me about one of my movies, it just goes in my memory because maybe sometimes I confuse one for another. I think all movies are like sequences, which is the body of my work.
    - Bernardo Bertolucci
  • Although some people call me anti-feminist, I know I wasn't because Germaine Greer supported me.
    - Bernardo Bertolucci
  • New York has always embraced me.
    - Bernardo Bertolucci