Best quotes by Ranveer Brar on Food

Checkout quotes by Ranveer Brar on Food

  • I grew up in Lucknow, which is famous for its street food and kebabs. It was the street food and Lucknowi kebabs that inspired me. The culture of the varieties of food that I tasted as a child inspired me to be a cook.
    - Ranveer Brar
  • Being a Punjabi, it is very hard to say this, but Punjabi food is very overrated.
    - Ranveer Brar
  • Anywhere in the world, there is royal food, and there is commoner food. Essentially, eat at the restaurant or eat on the street. But Indian food evolved in three spaces. Home kitchens were a big space for food evolution, and we have never given them enough credit.
    - Ranveer Brar
  • If you're a happy person around food, you can be a professional chef. It's fueled by passion.
    - Ranveer Brar
  • I believe that 'Food is a giver.' It gives you nutrition, health, and at times can give you recognition, like it did in my case, and you got to treat it with that kind of respect.
    - Ranveer Brar
  • The food and culture of any place go hand in hand.
    - Ranveer Brar
  • Restrictiveness is not synonymous with food.
    - Ranveer Brar
  • We are reaching a stage where the source of food has become markets and supermarkets. On a sub-conscious level, we are becoming unaware of the original source, which is land.
    - Ranveer Brar
  • Apparently, in the olden days, nawabs would get bored with their cooks very quickly and throw them out. All of them set up shop in a place called Bawarchi Tola. That's how royal food came to the streets. I started hanging around there. That's when I realised food is a lot more than just cooking on Sundays.
    - Ranveer Brar
  • There are few relationships that give as unconditionally as food. I have opened and shut down restaurants and slept on the streets, but I have always bounced back because my belief in the relationship has been strong.
    - Ranveer Brar
  • Men are more mechanical when we cook. Women are more attached. They cook it with feelings. From personal experience. The feeling a female chef puts in the food places her way ahead of men chefs.
    - Ranveer Brar
  • Food should flirt with the palette. If the food doesn't flirt with your palette, then it's not fun enough.
    - Ranveer Brar
  • As chefs, a lot of the times we lose sight of the fact that we are in the food business and that it needs to make money to survive.
    - Ranveer Brar