Best quotes by Julia Holter on Music

Checkout quotes by Julia Holter on Music

  • David Bowie - I definitely knew some of his music as a teenager, but I didn't actually listen to his music as much until I was in my 20s.
    - Julia Holter
  • I don't like to talk too much about my music; I like people to just experience it and not worry what I have to say.
    - Julia Holter
  • There's definitely been a focus on the literary aspects of my music, and I always get a little cringey because I don't feel like I'm particularly literary. There's a sort of academic label that's put on me that seems inaccurate.
    - Julia Holter
  • I do have a big problem with the idea of music as a form of communication unless it's political - and that's where it's tricky because a lot of music is political, even if it's not overtly so. But my music isn't that; it's about a feeling.
    - Julia Holter
  • One thing that's really important to me in my music is mystery.
    - Julia Holter
  • I like mantras and repeating things, like in pop music, where you repeat a line over and over again. It's just so beautiful.
    - Julia Holter
  • 'Have You in My Wilderness,' the title track, is about the idea of possessing a person, or saying, 'You're mine; you're in my world now.' I was drawn to that as an idea less from my own experience than from listening to music written by men that was kind of male gaze-y.
    - Julia Holter
  • Musical themes developing is a lot of what classical music is based on, and exposition and recapitulation - these kinds of things I find oppressive.
    - Julia Holter
  • It's hard for me to get shows in the U.S. It's that simple. I don't know what that means. I think it means there's not as much support here for my music?
    - Julia Holter
  • I usually like to hide my vocals behind the music. I don't like to hide them consciously, but I have a tendency to prefer the vocal at the same level as everything else and put lots of reverb on it.
    - Julia Holter
  • I started writing music as a composer in school, in the classical tradition.
    - Julia Holter
  • I started playing piano when I was eight, and I went on to study piano in school, so I have a background in classical piano and studied composition in school. Writing music came later.
    - Julia Holter
  • I take music very seriously, but it's important to me that my music is - I don't know if 'intuitive' is the word, but there's a really important element of something kind of mysterious. It's not academic or esoteric.
    - Julia Holter
  • I was in school for four years writing music to please my teachers. That was not music I liked. And when I make music that isn't for something I want to make, and it's to please other people, it's - the outcome is really bad.
    - Julia Holter
  • I listen to the timbre of the music, and I fit my voice to blend with that timbre.
    - Julia Holter
  • When you make music on your own for so long, you get used to just doing whatever you want.
    - Julia Holter
  • I like talking about my music.
    - Julia Holter