Best quotes by Jordan Pickford on Me

Checkout quotes by Jordan Pickford on Me

  • I know if I have played well or badly. I always ask my dad, and he tells me straight.
    - Jordan Pickford
  • My mam and dad have brought me up well.
    - Jordan Pickford
  • Football doesn't bother me. I just enjoy it. It's when you have to go to clubs and sing and do initiations and all that stuff. That's when I get nervous.
    - Jordan Pickford
  • I never put myself under any pressure or anything. I embrace the moment, play in the moment, and I feel strong. Nothing fazes me; I just want to be myself.
    - Jordan Pickford
  • Criticism doesn't affect me. It just makes me want to be better.
    - Jordan Pickford
  • The gaffer Gareth Southgate knows I can play with my feet, but he knows the capability I have in goal as well. He has put the faith in me, and I had to repay him in the World Cup, and I think I did.
    - Jordan Pickford
  • I play in the moment; nothing fazes me.
    - Jordan Pickford