Best quotes by Andrew Luck on Football

Checkout quotes by Andrew Luck on Football

  • Biggest lesson I learned my first year in the NFL is no one gives a crap about what you did last week. This league is about what have you done for me now. That's the NFL. It's also our culture. So you keep working hard because that's the biggest truth about football.
    - Andrew Luck
  • I grew up in Europe, and soccer was the first organized game I played. When we moved back to the U.S. in the middle of 4th grade, I switched to American football and stopped playing competitively until college, when I played intramurals.
    - Andrew Luck
  • I do know it's great to have a support from a fan base of a team. Football is such a team game, such a team aspect to it... Good things happen, the praise is spread around; and bad things happen, usually it's not just one person's fault.
    - Andrew Luck
  • My number one focus is and will always be football. I wanted to make sure that companies I partner with not only respect that, but also make sense and are quality products. I think Klipsch is synonymous with quality in the sound industry, so it was a natural partnership.
    - Andrew Luck
  • I realize I'm very fortunate to hopefully make a lot of money playing football. I don't know if I want to abuse that privilege and make myself a larger figure than I am.
    - Andrew Luck
  • It was nice to finish up Stanford. I think I always felt that I would be there for four years and graduate, and definitely didn't want to leave early. A degree was definitely a plus, and I was having a lot of fun in school. But after football, you know, I don't know. I really did enjoy studying architecture; it was a blast.
    - Andrew Luck
  • I'm definitely a football fan, so I try to stay up with how teams are doing, and you end up getting a lot of buddies that play on certain teams. I wouldn't say I watch too much of other quarterbacks.
    - Andrew Luck
  • I like to play football, read some books, study.
    - Andrew Luck
  • The thing I like most about football is it's a meritocracy.
    - Andrew Luck
  • I played one year of fantasy football in high school. You really get into it. It makes more fans of the NFL, and people love talking about it. They'll come up to me and say, 'Why did you throw an interception? You ruined my fantasy team!' Or they're happy because they got you for a bargain.
    - Andrew Luck