Best quotes by Tom Frieden on People

Checkout quotes by Tom Frieden on People

  • Vaccination is the single most important step people can take to protect themselves from influenza.
    - Tom Frieden
  • Our progress against malaria is impressive. But vigilance remains a critical ingredient to protect the health of all people.
    - Tom Frieden
  • People have a misconception that the tobacco epidemic is a thing of the past. Tobacco still kills more Americans than any other cause.
    - Tom Frieden
  • More than 50 million people around the world died during the 1918-1919 flu pandemic. That's why we have epidemiologists all over the world tracking whether new strains of flu emerge.
    - Tom Frieden
  • We have learned a lot about how to treat Ebola, how to ensure that the people caring for people with Ebola do so minimizing their risk of infection.
    - Tom Frieden
  • People traveling to malaria-prone areas can protect themselves by taking steps such as taking antimalarial drugs, using insect repellent, sleeping under insecticide-treated bed-nets, and wearing protective clothing.
    - Tom Frieden
  • At CDC, we work 24/7 to save lives and protect people.
    - Tom Frieden