Best quotes by Kathleen Hanna on Music

Checkout quotes by Kathleen Hanna on Music

  • I'm not a goddess, for crying out loud. I'm a regular person who took feminism - which I have a deep connection to - and mixed it with music, which I really love to do.
    - Kathleen Hanna
  • That's the great thing about music. You can find some '60s pop record and feel completely invigorated by it, even though it's so old.
    - Kathleen Hanna
  • Find something you really love doing and mix it with something you really care about. That's why I've had such longevity as an artist. I really, really care about ending violence against women, and I really, really love playing music. It's super enjoyable!
    - Kathleen Hanna
  • I'm totally into Taylor Swift. I think she has super-clever lyrics, and I love that she writes her own music. Some of the themes she writes about are stuff I wish was there for me when I was in high school, and I'm so happy she really cares about her female fans. She's not catering to a male audience and is writing music for other girls.
    - Kathleen Hanna
  • Since I loved underground music, I tried to carve a space for feminism within it. Those were my hopes.
    - Kathleen Hanna
  • I think music can definitely be art; I also think music can be crap and not be art.
    - Kathleen Hanna
  • I'm really annoyed by the wave of country music that's just a list of stuff. It almost sounds like L.A. people writing country music, because it's just a list of stuff: 'My pickup truck and my cowboy boots and my Levi's jeans and my girlfriend with the short shorts.' It's so boring!
    - Kathleen Hanna