Best quotes by Mary L. Trump on People

Checkout quotes by Mary L. Trump on People

  • Besides being driven around Manhattan by a chauffeur whose salary his father's company paid, in a Cadillac his father's company leased to 'scope out properties,' Donald's job description seems to have included lying about his 'accomplishments' and allegedly refusing to rent apartments to Black people.
    - Mary L. Trump
  • I saw firsthand what focusing on the wrong things, elevating the wrong people can do - the collateral damage that can be created by allowing somebody to live their lives without accountability.
    - Mary L. Trump
  • A lot of people who end up being horrible criminals when they are adults had very abusive childhoods. You can have sympathy for that child. It does not at all, under any circumstances, diminish their responsibility for what they do.
    - Mary L. Trump
  • In my family, it was kind of an unwritten rule that certain behaviors that would have been crossing a line for other people were OK if you were a particular Trump.
    - Mary L. Trump
  • All the kids - well, I don't know about the girls in the family, but all the boys - worked in my grandfather's office in the summers and maybe on weekends once in a while, so they saw how he operated. They saw how he treated people. They saw the kinds of people he rubbed elbows with.
    - Mary L. Trump
  • Casual dehumanization of people was commonplace at the Trump dinner table.
    - Mary L. Trump
  • For Donald, lying was primarily a mode of self-aggrandizement meant to convince other people he was better than he actually was.
    - Mary L. Trump
  • Donald's need for affirmation is so great that he doesn't seem to notice that the largest group of his supporters are people he wouldn't condescend to be seen with outside of a rally.
    - Mary L. Trump