Best quotes by Marie Helvin on Me

Checkout quotes by Marie Helvin on Me

  • Fresh seafood reminds me of Hawaii and eating raw ahi fish on the beach with a little soy sauce - instant sashimi.
    - Marie Helvin
  • I was brought up by parents who embraced the 1960s and taught me that being faithful isn't the be-all and end-all.
    - Marie Helvin
  • Monogamy is not something that's important to me. I don't think it defines love.
    - Marie Helvin
  • I never get asked out by men my own age, as they all want to go out with 20-year-olds, and the men that do ask me out are too young.
    - Marie Helvin
  • I hate Botox, but a fabulous-looking friend of mine told me her secret was this gadget that uses electrical impulses to tone your facial muscles. It works!
    - Marie Helvin