Best quotes by Big Boi on Music

Checkout quotes by Big Boi on Music

  • The music that I make is built on layers upon layers of musical ideas. I want to keep it fun and fresh to where listeners won't get everything from just one listen. They can go back to it months, weeks, or even years later and hear something that they didn't ever hear before. That's what it's all about.
    - Big Boi
  • I still picture myself as a student of the music. I'm always trying to learn new things. Music is just what makes me tick.
    - Big Boi
  • To play your music in front of the fans that love it, it's like the best feeling in the world.
    - Big Boi
  • I'm about making music and spending time with my family. I've been in the spotlight so long that I'm looking for something different.
    - Big Boi
  • I'm dead serious about my craft and just really serious about making music in itself. I take pride in making songs and albums where no two songs sound alike. That's the challenge and that's what it's all about, to keep it original and fresh and funky.
    - Big Boi
  • I'm glad I had kids young because we have a strong bond and listen to the same music.
    - Big Boi
  • I'm just a product of my environment, and it comes out in the music.
    - Big Boi
  • I don't need a sensationalized headline to sell music or to bring attention to my music. It's the music and it's always been about the music.
    - Big Boi
  • I listen to all types of music so I'm influenced by everything.
    - Big Boi
  • The music is first and foremost everything - no egos, no attitude, nothing - it's about the music.
    - Big Boi
  • My goal every time I make a record is just to make the funkiest, the best music I could possibly make, both lyrically, and music-wise.
    - Big Boi