Best quotes by Sheamus on Me

Checkout quotes by Sheamus on Me

  • The fact that I'm even in a video game blows me away, but 'WWE 12' is even more special to me because they have a whole storyline around Sheamus in the game. It's really, really cool.
    - Sheamus
  • Wrestling, for me, was always something I wanted to do, and it, working in IT, was just a way to get financially looked after; I went and wrestled on the side because you don't make any money when you're starting off, and you don't have any name value.
    - Sheamus
  • No one has more charisma than me in WWE.
    - Sheamus
  • Tagging with Cesaro, I've just had fun. I don't think about promos; I don't think about backstage scenes. I just go out there and be me.
    - Sheamus
  • A lot of guys have played college football and were in the NFL, but for me, it made my transition a lot easier, and people say I'm one of the toughest guys in WWE. I have rugby to thank for that.
    - Sheamus
  • I'd love to play Venom. I'm a huge 'Spider-Man' fan, and Venom was the character that drew me into the comics.
    - Sheamus
  • Being the U.S. champion is a big deal for me. Knowing that my ancestors built this country, it's kind of like, the Irish were treated badly in this country for a long time, with a lot of tacky Irish stereotypes, so to me, it's kind of like a bragging right.
    - Sheamus
  • The Rock has come back; he's been cool with me, and I have nothing against him at all. He's achieved everything in WWE, and of course, he's achieved everything in Hollywood. It's a huge success story.
    - Sheamus
  • Even before I got to WWE, I studied Triple H. He was one of my favorite superstars; his wrestling was ruthless, and I think a lot of his style you can see in me a little bit.
    - Sheamus
  • One fella who has really impressed me is Big E Langston.
    - Sheamus
  • I've been trying to learn Spanish, but it has been hard for me. It's a slow process, but I'm trying.
    - Sheamus
  • Obviously, 'FIFA Football' was a big game for me.
    - Sheamus