Best quotes by Hope Sandoval on People

Checkout quotes by Hope Sandoval on People

  • I turned so many people on to The Smiths before they got huge.
    - Hope Sandoval
  • I mean, autographs are so funny. I don't think it's good to encourage that sort of thing. Why do people want to have an autograph? What does it do for you?
    - Hope Sandoval
  • The larger the band gets, the more people from the label get involved.
    - Hope Sandoval
  • The biggest problem for people who get really, really nervous when they perform live is that you think everybody's looking at you.
    - Hope Sandoval
  • It's not so much that I don't enjoy playing live - that's one of the best parts of playing music - it's that it's nerve-racking with 300, 500 people watching.
    - Hope Sandoval
  • I think... people are inspired by our music, and that's cool. We all borrow each other's music.
    - Hope Sandoval
  • There's a lot of pressure to chitchat with the audience. But when they're in school, people don't want to get up in front of their classroom when they have to talk about themselves or a project.
    - Hope Sandoval
  • When I started out playing live, it was different. I felt good about it. Nobody knew who I was. I just opened for so-and-so. Now, I'm playing to people who are coming out to see the band. There's too much attention on the band and me.
    - Hope Sandoval
  • It's just like anybody else - some people, most people don't wanna go to school. They just don't want to. It's... not fun. I was just somebody who got away with it.
    - Hope Sandoval
  • I've always thought that people got the impression that I was a tough sort of ruffian type.
    - Hope Sandoval
  • I think people don't give young women enough credit, really.
    - Hope Sandoval