Best quotes by Ralph Lauren on Life

Checkout quotes by Ralph Lauren on Life

  • My thing was always about individuality and about creating a world - because you don't just wear clothes, you live a life. You have style. You project who you are.
    - Ralph Lauren
  • The clothes that I design and everything I've done is about life and how people live and how they want to live and how they dream they'll live. That's what I do.
    - Ralph Lauren
  • My father was an artist. When life was harder and he couldn't get jobs, he painted houses, but he was artistic. When I went to see his work, it was special. Somewhere along the line, I felt I was special. I didn't know why.
    - Ralph Lauren
  • My life has been a dream. If someone had to write a story about it, it would seem a little unreal. It's the kind of story I would read and say, 'Nah, that's not possible.'
    - Ralph Lauren
  • My life has been a dream. If someone had to write a story about it, it would seem a little unreal. It's the kind of story I would read and say, 'Nah, that's not possible.'
    - Ralph Lauren
  • I had a very nice life. I was a very good kid. I had nice friends. I played in the school yard. I was nice to my parents; they were nice to me. They were loving parents - they were always there.
    - Ralph Lauren
  • I always admired Frank Sinatra. He had ups and downs, but he didn't give up his style. He had what might have been a tough life or character.
    - Ralph Lauren