Best quotes by Chris Noth on Life

Checkout quotes by Chris Noth on Life

  • In society, we have these unspoken rules of conduct, these 'shoulds.' Even though we pride ourselves on being a democracy, there are all these ways we say you 'should' behave. But what if you're living your life by the 'shoulds' and you're not really living your life?
    - Chris Noth
  • I never wanted to be the lead on a TV drama. It just robs you of your life, really.
    - Chris Noth
  • At this point in my life, I like the security of a job, while still having time for my young son and to pursue other creative work.
    - Chris Noth
  • New York used to be so much more than just a place to shop. It was life on the street for the eccentrics; it was an eccentric city. It had many different tastes. Now it's just one - a really rich one - with big tall glass buildings.
    - Chris Noth
  • I never talk about my private life. When you're in this business it becomes so precious. I don't understand when people open up about themselves to the press.
    - Chris Noth